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Summary of Total FY03 Funding for Homeland
Security Contained in HB1

In FY03, Louisiana will spend $10 million on Homeland Security Initiatives.

DHH Office of the Secretary

  • DHH has received a federal grant of $1.9 million for the development of a bio-terrorism response plan in FY03. This project will be cooperative endeavor uniting DHH with the Louisiana Hospital Association and the LSU Health Sciences Center.

Office of Public Health

  • Continued into FY03, the OPH budget contains $3.9 million and 44 positions to detect and/or respond to a bio-terrorism event.

Office of Mental Health

  • $300,000 and 4 positions are maintained in OMH's budget for FY03 to train mental health professionals for mass crisis.

Office of State Police

  • For FY03, a total of $2.4 million and 68 state troopers and civilians, including equipment and supplies, were added for Homeland Defense efforts.

Military Affairs

  • $1.1 million has been included in the budget of the Military Affairs Department for a Homeland Security Initiative.


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Baton Rouge, Louisiana.