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Other Requirements

Supplemental Payments to Law Enforcement Personnel

  • A total of $70,371,575 was provided for Supplemental Pay for law enforcement officers during the 2002 Regular Legislative Session. Municipal police, firefighters, and deputy sheriffs receive $300 per month in supplemental pay, while constables and justices of the peace receive $75 per month.

Municipal Police $23,950,000
Firefighters $18,564,700
Constables and Justices of the Peace $720,000
Deputy Sheriffs  $27,136,875

State Aid to Local Government Entities

  • A total of $6.5 million is appropriated to various public and quasi-public entities for local governmental purposes. Of this amount, $5.9 million is from State General Funds.

Questions and comments may be directed to
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.