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Natural Resources

Atchafalaya Basin Program

  • $810,713 and four positions for the Atchafalaya Basin Program were included in the departmental budget for FY03 in the Office of the Secretary. This program was originally below-the-line.

Compliance Database

  • Approximately $500,000 was added to DNR's base budget in the Office of Conservation to fund this database, recommended by the Office of Information Technology.

Rent for LaSalle Building

  • DNR will be paying approximately $400,000 in rent expenses for its new office space in the LaSalle Building.

Computer Network Connections

  • DNR has approximately $400,000 in funding in the Office of the Secretary for a "Data Dial Tone" for computer network connections.

Other Significant Budget Items

  • $564,279 for funding for the Coast 2050 Plan.
  • $197,510 and five positions to the Mineral Resources Management Program.


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Baton Rouge, Louisiana.