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Supplemental Appropriations for FY02

The May fiscal status statement presented to the Joint legislative Committee on the Budget reflected a positive balance of approximately $79 million. Additionally, savings from a mid-year Executive Order Freeze Order - $9.8 million, $12.8 million in a substitute of SELF Funds for State General Fund and other selected revisions to the budget provided approximately $108 million for FY02 Supplemental Appropriations. Act 152 of the First Extraordinary Session of 2002 appropriated a portion of the monies for the Hornets relocation and the remaining was appropriated in the 2002 Regular Session as contained in Act 26. Selected FY02 supplemental appropriations include, but are not limited to, the following items (items in bold were appropriated during the 1st Extraordinary Legislative Session).

  • $66.8 million - La. Medical Assistance Trust Fund
  • $17.0 million - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Supplemental Federal Grant
  • $ 9.3 million - State Match for FEMA Funds for Tropical Storm Allison
  • $ 7.2 million - Sheriffs' Housing of State Inmates
  • $ 5.7 million - Homeland Security in State Police and Military Department
  • $ 3.7 million - Partial restoration of funding to local schools due to FY02 MFP reduction
  • $ 2.7 million - State Police - to offset shortage in Riverboat Gaming Enforcement Fund
  • $ 2.4 million - Louisiana Bicentennial celebration
  • $ 2.4 million - Higher Education Initiatives Fund
  • $ 1.8 million - Hornets Relocation and NBA expenses
  • $ 1.6 million - Professional Improvement Program (PIPS)
  • $ 1.0 million - Atchafalaya Basin Program Hydrilla Control in Henderson Lake
  • $ 1.0 million - Unemployment Insurance Program

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Baton Rouge, Louisiana.