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Other Schools and Commissions

The total means of financing for Special Schools and Commissions is funded at 97.7% of the department's FY02 operating budget. Further, Special Schools and Commissions' Table of Organization (T.O.) was increased by 1 position to 1,045 for FY03.

TOPS Reduction

  • The FY03 appropriation for TOPS is $93.9 million, an $8.2 million reduction from FY02.
  • The reduction was necessitated by the fact that the Legislature included the 1997 high school graduates in the implementation of TOPS in FY99. As a result, FY02 included five (5) classes for TOPS awardees. Since TOPS awards are limited to four (4) years of funding, the FY02 budget included the last year of funding for the 1997 and 1998 graduates. The $8.2 million reduction reduces the TOPS budget to fund only four (4) classes beginning in FY03.
  • Further, the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA), in its June 6, 2002, testimony before the Senate Finance Committee, projected that TOPS may cost as much as $100.9 million in FY03, resulting in a $7.0 million shortfall impacting nearly 2,700 student awards.
  • Despite OSFA's recent improvements in its TOPS projection methodologies, it is still difficult to make an exact projection of TOPS awardees each year. As a result, Act 13 treats the TOPS appropriation as "more or less estimated", thus allowing the Legislature and the Governor to make mid-year budgetary adjustments to fully fund the program, provided sufficient revenue is available. In recent years, slight cuts have been made in other budgets and/or supplemental appropriations have been made to cover any TOPS shortfalls.

Recent TOPS Funding History

Fiscal Year TOPS Expenditures Student Awards Average Award
1995 - 1996*


5,735 $2,223
1996 - 1997* $14,723,396 6,706 $2,196
1997 - 1998* $17,491,475 7,823 $2,236
1998 - 1999* $53,954,995 23,524 $2,294
1999 - 2000* $66,907,996 28,881 $2,317
2000 - 2001* $90,891,825 35,585 $2,554
2001 - 2002** $102,976,309 41,656 $2,472
2002 - 2003*** $93,945,360 35,789 $2,625


Actual Expenditures


Appropriated @ June 30, 2002


Appropriated @ July 1, 2002

8(g) Fund Revenue Projection
  • Revenue projections adopted by the Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) boosted the interest earnings for the 8(g) Fund from $31.7 million in FY02 to $33.5 million in FY03.
  • This $1.8 million increase will help the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) to continue to provide "flow-through" funds to the State Department of Education (DOE), school boards, and non-public schools to accomplish the following constitutionally-allowed 8(g) programs in FY03:





Exemplary Competitive Programs


 $   4,200,000

Exemplary Block Grant Programs


 $ 15,100,000

Exemplary Statewide Programs


 $ 11,208,603

Research or Pilot Program


 $      850,000

Superior Textbooks and Instructional Materials


 $   1,200,000

Foreign Language


 $      200,000

Management and Oversight


 $      769,139






 $ 33,527,742

Group Insurance Adjustment

  • Agencies in Special Schools and Commissions experienced an overall $0.6 million increase in various means of financing to provide adequate employer contributions to the SEGBP. Of this amount, $0.4 million was provided by the Deficit Elimination/Capital Outlay Escrow Replenishment Fund to address prior outstanding claims.

UNO Teleplex

  • LETA was appropriated $0.5 million for continuation of "flow-through" funding to the UNO Research and Technology Center on behalf of the WLAE/WYES Teleplex. This amount represents the second of a multi-year funding commitment to expand educational television services into the Greater New Orleans area.


Questions and comments may be directed to
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.