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Culture, Recreation, and Tourism

  • The budget was reduced by $800,000 in statutorily dedicated funds formerly passed through the Office of the Secretary for tourism and economic development projects in New Orleans. Act 73 of the First Extraordinary Session of 2002 redirected these funds to support the contractual obligations of the state with respect to professional football and basketball team incentive agreements.
  • The Office of State Parks included funding for new facilities that will be operational during the fiscal year:

Site - Purpose



Caney Creek Lake State Park - New cabins


Poverty Point Reservoir State Park - New park $745,485 17
Lake D'Arbonne State Park - New cabins & facilities $717,220 10
Audubon Historic Site - New visitor center $131,154 4
Total $2,144,688 41
  • Funding for the Audubon Golf Trail was provided at $250,000 in State General Fund. These expenses were funded at $450,000 in the prior fiscal year.
  • Expenditures in the Office of Tourism include $9.8 million in self-generated revenues for the advertising and public relations contract.
  • The Office of Tourism included the following State General Fund expenditures:
Sci-Port Discovery Center in Shreveport $200,000
Bass Masters Tournament at Toledo Bend $50,000
Natchitoches Christmas Festival $50,000
Lester E. Kabacoff School of Hotel Restaurant and Tourism at UNO $100,000
Tourism initiative at UNO $200,000


Questions and comments may be directed to
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.